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Model No.: CTD1400
Speed: 0 - 120 pcs / min
Bag wide: 300 - 650 mm
Bag length: 517 - 1117 mm
Base material: Φ 1200*1250 mm
Power: 25 kw
Size: 20 x 3 x 3 m


Main operational principle: roll the paper and woven fabric into a whole roll, and then extrude it to carry out the middle seam bonding, and use servo and PLC to follow and cut off the mark.


Products can be produced: paper, woven cloth three-in-one bag, woven cloth two-in-one bag, four-layer paper bag.


Configuration options: printing, walking hole punching, corner gluing, longitudinal gluing, transverse gluing, folding M side L valve, etc.

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